Success Stories

With an expert interdisciplinary team, alignments with leading Universities and local Physicians, we can provide you not only with the best concussion care available but also the most comprehensive knowledge base. Tap into our digital resources below or contact us for more comprehensive options.

Success Stories

Getting Back to Life

Getting Back to Life

After a 7-year journey, Peter Whitelaw is undoubtedly thrilled to fully recover from his concussion. “I was riding my bicycle with my friends on my way to Horseshoe Bay and went through a corner and fell,” says Peter.

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Hitting the Pavement

Hitting the Pavement

It’s ironic that it took a concussion for Amber Dukart to feel like a runner. She recently completed a 10km run in Vancouver where she hit a personal record time, and has her eyes set on completing a half-marathon in the next year.

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A Concussion Journey

A Concussion Journey

Learn about Michael and his personal experience with concussion and rehabilitation with Advance Concussion Clinic.

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